Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Shape of Darkness

After some recent epic blogging sessions, I'm settling into a groove.  Another day, another three images.  I usually share three images a day (where possible) on my Instagram account, so I may as well feature them in my blog.  It will encourage me to post regularly and to be succinct.

Last night I was burning the midnight oil, finishing one of the most unputdownable books - Laura Purcell's The Shape of Darkness.  I can't recommend it enough.  It's protagonist is a Victorian silhouette artist.  It's packed with dark secrets, murder, seances and ghouls and has the most satisfying ending.  It's definitely crying out for a TV adaptation.  

Whether inspired by this dark tale, my love of dark photography or because it was just too bloody cold to go on our usual, more lengthy, daily walk, I looked for some suitable subjects for macro photography in the house and (briefly) in the garden.

Window to the Soul

First up, my unwilling and fidgety model, Lotte the cat.  The only reason I managed to get this shot of her eye reflecting the bedroom window was because I had dared to interrupt her sleep, so she wasn't totally compos mentis.  

Next, layered up like a snow beast, I focused my attention on our old Alice in Wonderland inspired bird bath.  It's got a lovely aged patina to it now and I thought Alice's profile looked suitably ghostly under the leaden sky.


Finally (and I realise it's not for everyone), I noticed a flooded bucket in a corner of the garden, full of windfall apples destined for compost.  Through my 50mm lens (with 20mm extension tube), I spotted tiny insects living on the surface.  I think they are water mites. 

What lies beneath

Sleep tight!

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