Monday, June 27, 2022

She's a Rainbow

I'll start this post with the meteorological phenomenon that is a rainbow, shot both from the door step and through the rain-soaked loft window.  It's no longer news to say that the weather is capable of extremes.  However, I've been finding it difficult to sleep lately with my energy levels dipping by mid afternoon, often only revived by a second cup of coffee and a cheeky bit of dark chocolate (90% cocoa 'cos I'm that hard!)  

So, in order not to challenge my sleep deprived brain, I'm going to record my memories of the week in conjunction with the colours of the rainbow, as per the old Peggy Lee song: Sing a Rainbow.

Sing along if it helps.

"Red and Yellow..."

Here's a mini photographed at last weekend's British Mini Club's annual Mini & VW Bus Meet which takes place in our home town....

Beautifully fragrant roses, captured outside Hagley Church on a Sunday stroll...

"...and Pink..."

I made a special trip to capture a local poppy field...a week too late.  Not to be defeated, I decided to photograph them in their faded grandeur, the red draining from drooping petals, leaving a lifeless pink in its wake.

That's more like it!  More roses from Hagley Church.

A flattering shade of pink can also be found in the form of my make-up staple, Dr.PAWPAW's multi-purpose balm in a delicate peach/pink shade.  

Vegan, cruelty-free and 100% natural, it's always in my bag.  I use it (extremely sparingly) on my cheeks, directly in line with the pupils of my eyes on the apples of my cheeks, gently blending in circles outwards towards the tops of my ears.  It creates a wonderful glow for people who don't like the feel of make up.  I also use it as a lip balm.  

Oh and the original clear balm also makes an excellent moisturiser.  I use it on my hands, elbows and to tame frizzy hairs.

"...and Green."

I mentioned recently, that I was looking for an unstructured blazer.  Admittedly, this is a nod to current trends, but in my defence, I only adopt the ones I like!  I am also quite taken with the vibrant pea green colour that is everywhere at the moment (brace yourselves).  I was therefore very happy to come face to face with exactly what I had been searching for in a charity shop this week.  The jacket was part of a suit but I persuaded the Manager to sell me just the jacket and I've teamed it with the only new purchase I have made this year - a pair of Zara patch pocket denim shorts.

More greenery in the form of National Trust managed property and green space, Dudmaston, where we headed to celebrate our wedding anniversary this week with a shandy and a scone in the apple orchard, just before the rain started.

The geese were on the lookout for something...the lady of the lake?

We had a little look inside at the property's art collection, but the heat inside was pretty intense, so I purchased some vibrant postcards featuring the artwork of Wolverhampton born sculptor, artist and art collector, Anthony Twentyman (1906-1988), who, incidentally, was a friend of the previous owner and was commissioned to create sculptures for the Dudmaston Estate(more info here:-

... and soon headed back outside, where we picked some lime tree flowers to make a calming tea (aside from producing an exquisite fragrance, they produce a deliciously delicate tea).  

I also managed to snap one of three resident cats we counted, hunting in an area of wild flowers and taking us neatly into "Orange..."

"...and Purple..."

Dudmaston, shot through lavender.

 "...and Blue."

After that rainy interlude, the sunshine and blue skies returned!

I rounded off the week with a visit to my friend Jenny's driveway plant sale.  Here's a glimpse of her lovely rainbow coloured flower border. I left with an Agapanthus and a couple of foxgloves for our woodland garden.

Gareth has had a chesty cough and streaming cold and so I left him on Saturday night to dose himself up while I disappeared for a while to celebrate my friend Jackie's recent nuptials.  

The remainder of the weekend has been spent in the comfort of our front row sofa seats at a number of Glastonbury performances. The view from Kingswinford was pretty awesome!  Jack White was delightfully eccentric and loud.  Is musical Tourette's a thing?  I think he might have it. Sadly he didn't sing one of my favourites from his tenure with The Raconteurs, so I'll leave it here and dedicate it to my husband of 21 years, my Broken Boy Soldier.  

The Raconteurs – Broken Boy Soldier (Official Music Video) - YouTube


  1. belated happy wedding anniversary!!
    love that you celebrated in an ancient apple orchard with a picknick in style!
    speaking of: the green blazer is just perfect! love the 80s vibe and of cause the green! your rosy cheeks and lip balm sounds fab - but no way to find it here i fear......
    hope gareth feels better and sleep will find you.....
    thanks for all the gorgeous photos of beautiful flowers!

    1. Thanks Beate! It is very 80s isn't it? I blame watching Stranger Things! xxx

  2. Such lovely photos! I loved the geese waiting for the Lady of The Lake, they must be her ladies in waiting! and the dying poppies!

    1. Thank you Laura! The geese were definitely looking out for something...they weren't in the least bit interested in us! xxx

  3. Happy Anniversary! I love the photo of you both celebrating at lovely Dudmaston and hope Gareth is feeling better. It won't surprise you to know that I also have that set of Anthony Twentyman postcards.
    The ducks by the lake is a wonderful shot, as are the wilting poppies.
    The green jacket is perfect and ideal with the Zara shorts. I shall have to investigate Dr Pawpaw, it sounds like a brilliantly useful buy.
    I do love an old Mini. Our Greek friend in Rhodes has 5 he's rescued from fields on the island- Jon's hoping he lets him play with them next time we're there.
    I must watch some of the Glasto footage! xxx

    1. Thanks Vix! The postcards are lovely aren't they? Dr PawPaw is brilliant! Five minis rescued from fields? Maybe he'll let Jon adopt one! ;-) xxx

  4. I hope Gareth's cold has upped and left by now.
    Strangely enough, and in spite of just having come back from holiday AND sleeping well, I've been experiencing mid afternoon energy dips as well. I hope I won't fall asleep at my desk when I'm back at work tomorrow ...
    Loving your rainbow themed post and your apple orchard wedding anniversary celebrations sound just perfect! xxx

    1. Thank you Ann. Gareth's cough is lingering but otherwise, he's better thank you. Holidays, as lovely as they are, aren't always as relaxing as we might think. You've probably covered lots of miles and made the most of every minute. I think you could probably do with another week to recover! I'll have a word with your boss. ;-) xxx

  5. Hello Claire, a belated happy anniversary to you both. I hope Gareth has since recovered. I am loving all your rainbow colours. Oooh, your friend Jenny's driveway plant sale look right up my street. I managed to watch back some of Jack White's Glasto set - top stuff! :) Go steady with that 90% cocoa, you hardcore lass xXx

    1. Hi Lulu, Thank you! Glad you enjoyed Jack White. I abstained from all cocoa products whilst watching his set. It would have too much! xxx


A Fond Farewell

We've all heard of the proverbial "pain in the neck."  Well, for the longest time, I've been waking up with a cricked neck...