Friday, May 12, 2023

Coronation? What Coronation?

 A short and sweet post from me today.  My long awaited styled elopement shoot took place on 6th May (Coronation Day).  When the idea first occurred to me, this right Royal occasion was in the dim and distant future, but, for numerous reasons, it took until May 2023 to come to fruition.  Amusing really, given my last big shoot coincided with Queen Elizabeth's funeral.  It's becoming a bit of a habit.  Maybe the next one will happen just as Harry and Camilla engage in a Mexican stand off somewhere in the American desert.  Who knows?

The shoot went well and it has already been picked up by a magazine, so once again, I'm sworn to secrecy for the time being.  I'm desperate to share the photos, including those of the latest member of our family - a mannequin.  But not just any mannequin.  Our latest recruit was gifted to us by a local artist after I asked if we could borrow him for my photoshoot.  She's moving house and I think the timing was right for her to part company with her creation, who has now been reunited with his long lost cousin (yes we have two).  He's not everyone's cup of tea, but very much ours!  All will be revealed in good time.  For now, I can share a few behind the scenes pics.  

Now that's a make up kit!

On Saturday it was raining cats and dogs in every way possible!

Farmhouse cat

Amy and the cutest Pomeranian on the planet

Finally there was a break in the clouds and we went for it, celebrating afterwards with cakes baked by our lovely celebrant.  Another memorable day!

As a result of the day's shenanigans, I successfully avoided any news coverage of the day's events, going straight from the shoot to a friend's BBQ.  I'm fully up-to-date now however, on second hand news, given the British media's wall to wall coverage over the remainder of the Bank Holiday weekend.  This photo taken by Gareth at Himley on Sunday in the final moments of a Classic Mini Show pretty much sums up our Coronation experience.

In other news, my "Artist" tulips are starting to bloom and I'm obsessed.  The colours are incredible!  Using my humble macro extension tube, I tried to capture them just as they opened...and was photobombed by a caterpillar!  I'm betting not many people have uttered those words.

I love the abstract nature of macro photography.  These are straight out of the camera with zero editing.  Aren't the colours amazing?

The marsh marigold has all but taken over the pond....

...and the Wisteria is beginning it's brief but beautiful purple reign as Garden Queen.

This weekend is all about weddings; a real one tomorrow at a rural wellness retreat and my first ever Wedding Fayre on Sunday.  It's a small affair and I've had relatively little time to plan, having been approached by the organisers last month.  

As my first event though, it suits me.  It's pretty low key with a reasonable number of exhibitors and above all, affordable.  I can't bear those corporate affairs with metal framed backdrops, enormous banners, bland white vignette couples shots and hard sell.  It's not my style.  I've opted for small and quirky in the hope of finding my tribe.  Wish me luck!


  1. How exciting that your shoot was already picked up by a magazine! I can't wait to see the photos and of course that mysterious new family member.
    Well done on avoiding the coronation, by the way!
    Those tulip macro shoots are amazing, including the one with the photo-bomber. I was one photo-bombed by an as yet unidentified creepy crawly - one could only see its eyes, which I only noticed when I saw the photo afterwards.
    I'm quite envious of those marsh marigolds, by the way!
    Wishing you good luck for tomorrow and at your first ever Wedding Fayre! xxx

    1. Haha! Not just me then? How weird that you could only see your photo-bomber's eyes!
      Thanks Ann. xxx

  2. i wish you tons of luck!!
    for the faire and for the all the other undertakings you´r planning!
    can´t wait for the pictures of the last magazine shoot - the makeup on the models is promising.....
    love the little caterpillar photobombing :-D

  3. Oh dear, my comment has vanished! Here's hoping this one works!
    I'm so excited about your wedding photos, its brilliant news about the magazine using them. I can't wait till we get to see them. The couple look lovely and i'm in awe of that make-up bag!
    Black cat with the bluebells looks like William, I thought he'd been awol for a long time yesterday.
    The wisteria is looking glorious and so are the tulips. Are they Sarah Raven? I was very tempted with some of hers last time we had a catalogue.
    Your coronation experience looked marginally more festive than ours, Jon was flicking through the channels and called me to say Charlie had his crown on, we watched for about 10 minutes until Justin Welby started droning on.
    That wedding fayre flyer looks a lot cooler than the usual pink tinged, wishy washy ones you see. I hope you do really well! xxx

    1. Blogger is really annoying at times.
      I wish I'd had more time to explore that make-up bag and take some notes! It was a busy day, but I'm not regretting missing the coronation. By all accounts it was highly religious and dragged on a bit.
      I thought of William when I saw the black farm cat. He wasn't as friendly as William though. He only wanted to watch us from a distance.
      The tulips are Sarah Raven's Artist tulips and I think they are the most beautiful tulips I've ever seen! xxx

  4. Luck! How exciting to be picked up by (another??) magazine! You're such a talented photographer. Those tulip pics are stunning. I only get photobombed by a cat, lol.


This Woman's Work

Maybe it's living on the fringes or in the shade of woodland for much of my life that makes me so drawn to it.  It's always a source...