Saturday, October 29, 2022

October Scenes and All Hallows' Eve

October has been an unusually busy month of appointments and in all honesty a myriad things that I'm struggling to recall.  With the news firmly entrenched in the arena of the extreme, despite emerging from a global pandemic, life still feels only superficially normal.  We're all going through the motions, but know full well that there's a herd of elephants in the room; from economic crises and troubling political forces to a megalomaniac from the East. 

In an effort to punctuate the relentless madness, I'm sharing my October memories in an effort to offer some escapism.

Finally, the wedding industry blog on my Stranger Things shoot has been published.  The exclusivity period dictates that it cannot be shared on another blog for 6 weeks (although social media has been green lit).  I mention this specifically for Lulu (Long Mizzle Garden), as her partner, Joe, kindly granted us permission to use his music in the video (coming soon). 

One thing I can share, courtesy of lovely team member, Helen, of Elegance Hair Design in Telford, is this taste sensation.  Left over from the shoot were some maraschino cherries. Helen, a native New Zealander, suggested wrapping them in streaky bacon and getting them crispy (BBQ is best but a frying pan will do).  Voila!  Devils on horseback with a southern hemisphere twist!  I have tried good vegan bacon and reckon it would work just as well.  


For one of our regular walks, we visited the National Trust's Dudmaston Estate last week, shedding layers and basking in temperatures more akin to August.  On our visit, we hung out at the second-hand book shop with the resident cat....another very vocal Tortoiseshell.  She very cutely placed her paw on me every time my attention wavered.

We left with a book on Pompeii (for the boy) and, inexplicably, Game of Thrones.  

I've never been big on fantasy literature and haven't seen the TV series, so I'm chalking it up as a panic buy (one can never have too many books).  Who knows?  Maybe I'll read it and maybe it will surprise me.  Just maybe, I'll be rocking up to a Comic-Con - cloaked and daggered - near you very soon.

The late afternoon sun was delicious, highlighting the woolly outlines of the estate sheep...

...bouncing off the windows...

and bursting through a copse, making for a pretty silhouette photo of Gareth taking a call.  If you squint, you can see the Autumn leaves swirling in the breeze.

If you'd like to see more, here's a short video.

(1) Late October. Late afternoon. Dudmaston Estate. - YouTube

Now, of course, the end of the month marks All Hallows' Eve and try as I might, I just can't ignore it.  I picked up a tired, old tablecloth in a charity shop and decided to give it a makeover.

(1) A Tablecloth for Halloween #halloween #craft #tableclothdesign - YouTube

That's better!  A perfect base for tonight's goblets of bubbling green evil elixir while I'm cackling at the evening's TV entertainment.

Now finally, a warning to all.  If you go down in the woods today, be sure of a big surprise.  We met this character cavorting amongst the trees recently.  

She told me she's the pumpkin bride.  She's looking for a suitable partner...male, female, vegetable.

She will know when it's right, although her life partner is as yet blissfully unaware of their imminent betrothal.

But these are mere details; the date's set for 31st October and there's going to be an almighty shindig.

She told me that she's wearing a white dress which her pumpkin grandmother bought for a patch party in 1969, but unfortunately, her grandmother was pulled, unceremoniously, from the ground, never to be seen again.  The dress has never been worn.  

Pumpkin Bride seemed friendly enough, but when I tried to get a closer shot of her dress or film her, she grew very defensive.

I’m still trying to make sense of what happened…see for yourselves.

(1) Pumpkin Bride #halloween #pumpkin #scarystories #spookyseason #spookyshorts #halloweenbride - YouTube

Happy Halloween!



  1. Your Dudmaston photos are gorgeous, love the bossy tortie and Gareth looking rather malevolent in the shadows. I had to giggle at you all cloaked up at a Comic-Con. I've never seen Game of Thrones (or read it) but everyone who does seems to get a bit obsessive about it. Marcus travelled to every location they filmed it. Be very afraid!
    Pumpkin Bride is absolutely fabulous, I hope she doesn't have to wait too long for a beau. I'm already looking forward to your Halloween report! xxx

    1. Thank you! That's it on the Halloween front, I'm afraid. I'm spent after that video encounter with Pumpkin Bride! ;-) xxx

  2. thank you very much for all that lovely distraction!!
    loooove pumpkin bride! <3
    welcome to the club of *neversawgamofthrones* - i´m so not interested, even would´t read the book if it was the last one on the planet....... :-D
    wonderful trip to and photos of the estate - and yes, this october feels like the summers of my childhood, temps-wise.
    now i´m off to the videos!

    1. You're welcome!
      Hahaha! I'll be sure not to post the book onto you then! ;-)
      Heading out to make the most of the no coats weather. It's going to drop to more seasonal temperatures here next week. xxx

  3. Hello Claire, thanks for the shout out. Oh dear, I come here as a Game of Thrones fan. When my brother told me about it I thought 'I'm never reading or watching that tosh'. Well, two books and eight series (watched at least twice each) later and I have to defend it. It has remarkable parallels with today's war, ecomonic and social unrest, all whilst being total escapism at the same time. Its author must be very well versed in reoccurring history, meglomanical characters and corrupt government.

    Haha, isn't Miss Pumpkinhead an absolute beauty! I LOVE these pictures - wonderful! My Mr Pumpkinhead has his eye on her, but I'm sure he's not the only one. Lulu xXx

    1. I'm open minded about it Lulu. Now I have it, I will give it a go. Books don't usually become so successful without good reason do they?
      I haven't seen Miss Pumpkinhead since, so maybe she and your mister have run away together. :-D xxx

  4. Completely understand what you mean by life still feeling superficially normal and going through the motions ...
    Nevertheless I hugely enjoyed your post and superb photos as always.
    Having only visited Dudmaston in June, it was lovely seeing it in its Autumnal splendour. And how sweet is that Tortoiseshell!
    In spite of not really being into Halloween, I loved the photos and the little video of your encounter with the Pumpkin Bride. Very atmospheric! xxx

    1. Thanks Ann! Dudmaston was looking particularly beautiful the other day. I think we timed it perfectly with a breezy, sunny day encouraging the leaves to fall. xxx

  5. I liked the first 3 books of Game of Thrones - they're pretty solid fantasy. Wow, your photography is amazing. I love that pic of the trees. That pumpkin bride is awesome.

    1. Thank you very much Sheila! I love a silhouette shot!
      Ah, another Game of Thrones fan! I am going to have to give it a go. :-)


A Fond Farewell

We've all heard of the proverbial "pain in the neck."  Well, for the longest time, I've been waking up with a cricked neck...