Sunday, October 17, 2021

True Colours

What a bleak week for news; predictions of a winter of discontent, racism rearing its ugly face yet again on the football terraces, the Queen voicing her concerns that leaders are all mouth and trousers (I'm paraphrasing), and terrorism in Norway and on home turf, resulting in the murder of 5 Norwegian citizens and British MP Sir David Amess.  I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to push a big button marked RESET or REWIND.

We also watched - and abandoned - the widely publicised Squid Games.  I'm no shrinking violet, but even I felt that the violence was gratuitous, even allowing for the subtext (which somehow felt a little patronising and something of an excuse to me).  Life's too short for such stark TV viewing.  

We've been recovering still from the so called "super cold" in circulation and my back has been playing up, so, aside from a couple of walks, my extra curricular activities this week would be best summarised as "pottering" often at a 70 degree angle.

As an antidote to the last 7 days, this post is going to be about light and colour.

I purchased next year's tulips from Ashwood Nurseries. 

First up, the beautiful peony flower, two tone, rhubarb and custard variety Wirosa.

Next, the rather exotic sounding and looking Ali Baba to complement the Wirosa tulips.

And finally, Spring Green, the same variety of tulips I planted last year.  I foolishly threw away the packaging, so promptly forgot their name.  I had also failed to notice that they were a late flowering variety, only to be reminded of this possibility in a desperate phone call I made to Ashwood Nurseries, enquiring why my tulips weren't blooming (the shame!).

I've also been foraging - not for food, but for Autumn foliage.  I love the transitioning colours and am quite partial to dead flowers and seed heads for their architectural properties.  I haven't contravened any laws as no plants were dug up in the production of these creations.  I just selected the odd bent flower, seed head or sprig taken by the wind.

This year's fig crop has been a huge success.  Usually I count at least 20 figs, only to discover at the optimum time of ripening, that they have been stolen by some as yet unidentified thief.  Our chief suspects:-

1.  The grey squirrel (my winter nemesis, as he can overcome literally any obstacle to gorge himself on bird seed from the feeder).

2.  The humble wood pigeon.  

Whoever is responsible, we believe that Lotte has taken on fig defending duties and repeatedly given chase this year as I have enjoyed feasting on numerous ripe figs.  (I can also forgive Lotte her nocturnal shenanigans this week, the triple hairball offering and her inexplicable abseiling of my clothes airer).

Funnily enough, I thought I didn't like figs (flashbacks to early 80s fig roll biscuits), but I have acquired a taste for them now and they look so beautiful when sliced into quarters.  I'm the only one in our household too, so get to eat them all!

I decided to jump on the food photography bandwagon (apparently it's very now) - something I've never really tried.

Also, check out this aptly named Zombie F1 hybrid pumpkin Gareth picked up from Morrisons.  It's warty enough for Halloween but definitely too beautiful to carve.  It's a keeper!

Back in the garden, the ladybirds are out in force.  I have a small, bright yellow garden table and this seems to have attracted the little beauties in spades, offering up a wonderful ready made outdoor studio setting with Autumn leaves as props.

Finally, on our walk yesterday, we encountered not one, but a flight of doves.  This is very current.  The John Lewis home insurance ad has attracted numerous complaints, forcing the company to put out a statement defending their decision to feature a boy in a dress.  I couldn't give a fig about this.  I think the advert is infectious, theatrical and exuberant and when the soundtrack is Stevie Nicks' White Winged Dove, what's not to like?  

Peace all.


  1. Shame on me, but it totally slipped my mind to buy any Spring bulbs yet. Must remedy that soon! I'm quite taken with those Wirosa tulips, they're absolutely gorgeous.
    Dead flowers, seed heads and Autumn leaves are a particular weakness of mine, and how amazing is that warty pumpkin.
    Your photo of that flight of white doves is stunning and so very atmospheric. And I thoroughly enjoyed that John Lewis ad! xxx

    1. Thank you Ann. The bulbs were scarce at Ashwood Nurseries - everyone got in early but yes, I loved the candy colours in the Wirosa tulips. Just what is needed after a spell void of colour. xxx

  2. Hello Claire, great tulip choices. Love peony types & 'Wirosa' looks like a little cracker. I have Spring Green in the ground and they reliably come up each year. Your foraged bouquets are beautiful. The perfect antidote to a crazy world week. I had to laugh at your cat abseiling down the clothes airer :0 :)

    Well done on the figs. I had my toga ready, waiting for mine, but it was not to be this year. Zombie F1 is such a warty beauty!!!! Do you know, I am tempted to get an allotment just so I can be the crazy woman that only grows pumpkins - one of every kind, that's the dream.

    Why anyone would be bothered by a boy in a dress is beyond me. It's good fun. Who needs Russia eh when we have an abundant supply of coal up some Brit's arses!!! Lulu xXx

    1. Hi Lulu, I might put the Spring Green in the ground then if they are so reliable. Good to know. Gareth wants to grow some pumpkins now too - where I don’t know! Maybe an allotment is the way forward! Spot on about the Brits too. xxx


A Fond Farewell

We've all heard of the proverbial "pain in the neck."  Well, for the longest time, I've been waking up with a cricked neck...