Wednesday, April 24, 2024

It's Art Darling!

It's been a little over a fortnight since I last posted, but it feels like an age.  The weather's been challenging.  Naturally, as soon as I decided to pack away some of my dead-of-winter clothes, the temperature plummeted.  In the last couple of weeks, we've had rain, storm force winds, sunny spells, hail, rain, dramatic clouds, rain, frost, the most incredible weekend of sunshine (more of that shortly) and yes, you guessed it, rain!

I was forced to abandon a planned Steampunk styled wedding shoot due to a key supplier dropping out at the last minute, which was frustrating to say the least.  However, I consoled myself with the fact that it would probably have been abandoned in any event due to the incessant rain.  After licking my wounds for a short time, I'm now in the early stages of planning a styled wedding shoot paying homage to the 1960s.  Here's a glimpse of my mood board.

In the meantime, what have I been up to?  Well, I took the train into the heart of our second city, Birmingham.  Departing from Stourbridge Junction, it occurred to me that this little station has to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing railway stations in the West Midlands.  

It even has its own resident cat, George.  Sadly George was too busy hunting to pose for a photo when I visited.  He's also very busy with his publicist, having his own Facebook page to maintain.  Link here if you're interested.  Facebook

My chosen destination, Digbeth, is undergoing a process of regeneration (or gentrification).  Since my last visit, there have been subtle but notable changes, including some pavement planting areas and garden benches.  The laying of the tram lines continues in earnest.

Whilst I enjoyed a wander around Red Brick Market, I think some of the units were possibly in the process of changing hands.  A number of the units were being cleared on the day of my visit, so the market felt a great deal emptier than usual and I left empty handed.  However, the real star of the show is Digbeth's vibrant and ever changing street art, captured here with my iphone (as much as I love the place, I don't really want to risk taking my big girl camera).

Thanks for the offer Ozzy!  Don't mind if I do!

A favourite rainy day activity - and there have been many rainy days lately - is trawling around Antiques Centres.  My Mom accompanied me on one such visit and had fun trying on some of the vintage hats.  

What passes for antiques these days never ceases to amaze me.  With nothing really catching my eye, I made it my mission to photograph some of the more kitsch and downright bad taste items for sale.  

Which one is your favourite?

With all of this inclement weather, I've decided that one can never have too many pairs of boots.  Here are some recent additions.  

Frye boots.  I've had these for a while, but forgot to share them.  They were a Vinted purchase, but so much more comfortable and lightweight than my Frye Campus knee high boots.

I've replaced my old, cracked DMs with a blue patent pair.  Another Vinted purchase, they were new without the box and a fraction of their retail sale price.

We may not be enjoying much in the way of spring weather, but the garden is doing its thing.  The ferns are unfurling...

...and the Euphorbia is out.

Walks have been less frequent.  That can't continue.  We have wet weather gear, but the icy wind takes much of the pleasure out of it.  However, on one of our walks, we encountered this handsome fellow staring intently at his owner, willing her to join him in the pond.

I snapped up this little studded cross body Topshop bag - perfect for housing my essential working accoutrements; those bits and pieces that won't fit into a camera bag full of lenses, namely lip balm, specs, phone and lens wipes.

In other news, the film poster for the short film I recently took stills for, has dropped.  

Spurred on by being asked to submit a photograph for the film's publicity, I set up my tripod and took a few photographs.  Now you all know I'm not that comfortable in front of the camera, but it's always a good working exercise.  For your information, it's also very laborious as I use what is technically referred to as "the running back and forth method."  Basically, this means set up camera, focus on a spot, try to run to said spot, strike a pose and hope for the best.  I know, I know, I should probably set up a remote trigger or tether my camera to my phone, but I feel just a tiny bit pleased with myself when I get it right.  I like to suffer for my art!

In the event, I used none of the photos from the rainy day session and just sent them an iphone snap from last year.  Tut tut!

Life is full of strange and funny coincidences.  Last year, we met local artist Dion Kitson in the rubble of The Crooked House.  He insisted I took his photograph.  

He has a great sense of humour and he and Gareth got along quite well; Dion creating witty signs expressing the community's outrage, Gareth salvaging pieces from the rubble to create a fireplace/bar "shrine" incorporating rather telling petrol cans and a urinal (just out of shot) scrawled with "Taking the p**s".

I nearly spat my wine out when he popped up on Channel 4's Late Night Lycett as the man behind the fake Banksy that had made the news recently.  Comedian Joe Lycett and Dion are friends and collaborated on a recent fake story, creating a piece of art with all the Banksy hallmarks, to see just how many fake stories they could get into the press.  Here's the story:

Joe Lycett behind Banksy mural hoax in Birmingham - BBC News

As for The Crooked House story.  The owners have appealed the order to rebuild.  The hearing is scheduled for August.

So that brings me pretty much up-to-date.  Last weekend, I photographed the most amazing festival wedding (think black dress, bluebells, neurofunk and golden hour portraits), so I'm now busy working through approximately 400 photographs, so forgive me if I don't leave a comment on your blog.  I'll be having a mega catch up later this week!

Monday, April 8, 2024


It's been a curious week of unexpected connections, conversations, sights and sounds, underpinned in some shape or form by panic.

I was recently contacted by Ania, the model/actress featured in my recent pin up shoot with a request to step in as behind the scenes/stills photographer for a short film she is producing, titled The Third Visit. 

Hopefully I'll be able to share more in time, as the film is to be submitted to a number of film festivals this year.  But for now, I can tell you that on the sunny Saturday that was 30th March (Easter Saturday), the final scenes to be shot for the 30 minute film were a dream sequence/picnic in the park and a traumatic car crash.

The weather was a great relief after a week of incessant rain and the small crew comprising make-up team, three actors, Sarah, the director, Cam, the cameraman (easy to remember) and myself assembled in the car park of a local nature reserve.

Improvisation is common on film sets, including make-up.  Without the luxury of a studio for final touch ups, a car boot and bright sunlight did the job.  But not too bright, you understand. 

We trudged up the hill to a quiet spot and set up the picnic scene.

Filming takes forever.  There are often multiple takes, waiting for clouds to pass, deflecting harsh sunlight, checking of footage and pauses for hair readjustments and make up retouches.  

The child star of the day had no acting experience or lines and so it was a long morning for him, but with quiet encouragement from Mom... and jollity...

...and a kick about, he relaxed into it and proved to be a little superstar!

After the director called "Cut" on the picnic scene, over an hour of make-up ensued to transfer the fresh faced Ania and Don into this gruesome twosome!

A quiet, but gritty urban location was selected for the aftermath of the car crash.  The warped humour derived from the sight of Ania driving into position in apparent need of urgent medical attention was not lost on any of us.

Harriet, one of the make-up team, doubled up as special effects operator, hiding out of sight of the camera in order to release a steady stream of smoke into the car... and there was much deliberation over the eventual position of Don's head on the dashboard.  

Some final touch ups (wounds need to stay fresh) and finally, we were ready to go.

In breaks in between filming, I asked Don to give me his best used car salesman pose.  What do you think?  Would you buy a used car from this man?

Filming of this scene went smoothly and before long, it was a wrap!

Thanks all for a great day!  I'll be sharing details of those involved at the end of this post.

Another weekend and another atypical day.  Remember our recent adventuring over Kinver and that glimpse of Drakelow tunnels?  Well, last Saturday was the date of our booked tour.  For those of you unfamiliar with the tunnel complex, you can read more here:  Winter Peach Photography: Tunnel Vision   But if you're short on time, the tunnel complex was built initially for use as a shadow factory during the second World War and later repurposed as a nuclear bunker during the Cold War.

The new Drakelow Tunnels Museum operators have grand plans for this site.  However, photographs were strictly forbidden during our tour.  The reason given for this was that a large proportion of the tunnel complex is utilised as a bonded warehouse for wine storage and the company heading up that particular enterprise, are extremely security conscious. But, the rebel in me could not resist a few sneaky iphone snaps when the tour guides' backs were turned.  What harm could they possibly do?

The tunnels were blasted into the hillside and the copious tonnes of spoils deposited in and around the site of the former village of Drakelow.  The sandstone walls are lime washed and you can still see the scars of the machinery used during the tunnelling process.

All good nuclear bunkers need power...

...and should the worst happen and panic sets in, a decontamination area is a must!

The tour really was excellent value for money.  I could tell you all about it, but I really think you should go and see for yourselves.  Tickets aren't cheap but the tour is approximately 2 hours' long and the guides are good humoured (ours was Mike) and extremely knowledgeable.  

You'll see a mock-up of a factory, offices, a medical facility and a particularly eerie Cold War era canteen (formerly a theatre during WW2 frequented by the likes of George Formby).  

If you do decide to go, be warned.  Advance booking is essential. Further information can be found here.  Drakelow Tunnels (

Our top tips? Wear sturdy footwear and lots of layers.  It is very cold and damp in the tunnels.  We emerged, hands almost blue with cold, like moles blinking in the sunlight, amazed to discover that the mercury had climbed to a staggering 19 degrees while we were dithering below ground.

Even though the weather remains unpredictable, the garden is definitely getting on with the business of Spring - so far with minimal intervention from me.  

The tulips and primroses are flowering.

The robins and blackbirds are nest building in the garden.  The robin is exploiting the upside down umbrella that is our burgeoning Gunnera Manicata, eating up all of the fat ball remnants that the squirrels drop as they make their hasty getaways.

Plus, Noah, Lotte's former nemesis, has made friends with us.  Well, sort of.  He's very vocal and will now stop for some fuss whenever he's passing through our garden.  He did bite Gareth the other day, after tricking him into touching his belly, but that was a schoolboy error.  I'm not falling for that!  He always looks startled, but is a bit of a bruiser and very vocal!

Our final panic themed excursion was last night's gig at Wolverhampton Civic.  On the bill?  Johnny Marr (legendary guitarist, aka Johnny F**kin Marr, formerly of The Smiths and "Panic" fame) and Gaz Coombes (former frontman for Supergrass).  

I'd clocked this gig some months ago, but had planned a photo shoot on the day and couldn't commit.  However, the shoot was ill feted and fell through.  Storm Kathleen would have put paid to it in any event.  I therefore decided to see if we could get tickets last week.  We were in luck and I honestly couldn't have asked for a better way to spend a Sunday night. 

Wolverhampton Civic Hall is only a short drive away for us and is, in my humble opinion, the best music venue in the West Midlands.   We were excited to see Gaz Coombes, but were only vaguely familiar with Johnny Marr's solo stuff and wondered just how many hits from his days with The Smiths he would perform.  We weren't disappointed.  Both are supremely talented artists, but Johnny Marr blew us away.  He struck the perfect balance between new material, songs from his solo back catalogue and Smiths classics.  Everyone was singing along.  The atmosphere was electric, even if he did have to - in his words - " the vibe police" and reprimand one inebriated and "gnarly" audience member.  

Sadly, my big girl camera wasn't allowed, so I only took my iphone.  I had an interesting conversation with an Instagram follower Ken (a seasoned photographer) who tried his level best to help me secure a precious camera pass (including forwarding Johnny Marr's record company details and suggesting he would have asked Billy Bragg for help "...but he's in America at the moment.")  In reality, it was just too late in the day.  But he did give me some great tips moving forward. Thanks Ken!

So forgive the grainy images. I did my very best, holding the camera high in the gaps between the thick-necked six footers standing in front of me and trying to maintain some level of focus.

Gaz Coombes

Johnny Marr

As we suspected, we came away with that definite feeling that we had witnessed something very special.  As much as I would like to leave you with a clip of his Johnny's performance of Panic, I somehow managed to fumble with my settings and film it at a speed that makes Johnny sound like the spawn of Satan. 

So instead, I'll leave you with his performance from last night, uploaded to YouTube by someone with both a better position and filming expertise!


The Third Visit Film credits:

Writer/Director:  Sarah France
Cameras:  Cameron Sheldon
Actors:  Ania Cummins and partner, Don
Lead HMUA:  Kacey Comarsh
MUA:  Bella Whitlam
Harriet Smith

A Fond Farewell

We've all heard of the proverbial "pain in the neck."  Well, for the longest time, I've been waking up with a cricked neck...