Thursday, August 31, 2023

Roving Reporter

Greetings!  I've had too much screen time, so am keeping this one brief for the benefit of my sore and blurry eyes.  This post will be an eclectic mix of photo news, not that this blog is ever confined to any one particular topic anyway.  I have way too much of a butterfly mind for niche posts.

I've been busy with work over the last couple of weeks with the sunniest rainy day wedding courtesy of the delightful couple who chose me as their photographer (blog and  sample photos here  grab your umbrella and learn how to take wedding photographs in the rain ( We hit it off and I was flattered to join them at their evening celebrations.

This was closely followed by the wedding party of a lovely couple who married in Greece before the devastating forest fires took hold.  I'm sharing a few of my documentary style favourites here.

It's also worth mentioning these gorgeous sustainable, seasonal and British grown flowers created by the lovely Anna of the wonderfully named Hedge and Berries.

Whenever we've had some spare time, we've been busy trying our best to assist The Crooked House campaign, attending the meeting organised by local MP Marco Longhi and generally creating and publicising.  I've been visually documenting events for my records and to help maintain local interest.  We've met some fascinating people and Gareth even received a hug from author, local historian, Peaky Blinder descendant and thoroughly decent Professor Carl Chinn, who is quietly lending his support.  

People may wonder what all the fuss is about, but we're all feeling genuinely aggrieved by the actions of those responsible for the loss of a community hub older than America.  A line has been crossed and seemingly with the world on our side, we're not letting this one go.

Here are some photos from the last week or so.

Marco Longhi MP

I was listening intently, honestly, but Himley Hall's light shade was too beautiful to ignore!

Much mistrust!  When work started a little prematurely and without formal agreement on the clean up, Marco appeared on site.  A politician who keeps his word!

Over the coming days, the mood calmed, after a clear list of works  to be carried out and working methods was made available.  Paul and Ian, who front the Facebook campaign, were again interviewed on site alongside a CAMRA representative (Campaign for Real Ales) holding a certain person's handy work.

The pub may be notably absent - for now - but the community spirit remains.  Most evenings, there are campaign supporters maintaining a vigil over the bricks.  It's entirely possible that you might run into a paranormal investigator, artist, lawyer, brick layer, pigeon fancier or drone operator at any given time.  Welcome to the Black Country!

The latest news is that two people have been arrested and released on conditional bail for arson with intent to endanger life.  

In other news, I found this colourful skirt in a charity shop.  It's  W. German label confirmed its vintage fashion credentials and I had change from £3.00!   With all of the campaign activity, I'm feeling a bit punk, so teamed it with a punk festival t-shirt I purchased from Vix some years ago.

In complete contrast, I've also been rocking some Barbie pink puff sleeves.  Mood definitely dictates my outfits.  Anyway, perhaps Barbie pink puff sleeves can be punk too.  The boy asked, somewhat incredulously "What are you wearing?" so perhaps that proves my point.

As for reading material, this amazing first edition folklore book was picked up at Claverley Church when I was doing a recce the week before V's wedding.  The print is teeny tiny, such is the volume of detail and artworks contained within, but it's now possibly my most treasured possession.  It's absolutely a book to curl up and over-winter with.  I've also finished reading the latest offering from the brilliant Laura Purcell.  If I tell you that her Twitter handle (I refuse to call it by it's new name) is @spookypurcell, then I'm sure you can imagine her speciality.

The garden has been somewhat out of bounds recently, due to incessant rain.  However, we've had the odd nice day in August, so for some zen moments and being mindful of Autumn knocking on the door, I've tried to capture something of the garden and beyond before the seasons change.  Some of these photos were assisted by my newly acquired video light, a handy and affordable little gadget, which turns everything "disco."

My favourite hydrangea.  I never tire of this beautiful blue.

Walks may have been less frequent, but all the more enjoyable as a result.  Nature always delivers.  Check out this mighty oak...

...a thistle, gone to seed...

and this sun kissed spider's web.  Spiders!  At the risk of sounding like Ms Purcell herself, we're almost into September.  They're coming.

Hope you're all fine and dandy.  Catch you soon!


  1. We're a right pair with our eyes, aren't we?
    Anyway, I hopped over to and admired your brilliant rainy wedding day photos!
    As for the Crooked House saga, I'm not sure we would have such wonderful community spirit here. Quite the opposite really, which does make me sad.
    Oh, and I would have been distracted by Himley Hall's light shade as well. It would look a treat here at Dove Cottage :-)
    Loving the disco garden photos and the signs of impending Autumn which, if the weather cooperates, is my favourite season. Not so much a fan of the spiders though! xxx

    1. Aren't we just?!
      I think we all have a Crooked House...but yes, the community spirit seems - for now at least - very strong.
      I had my first spider encounter yesterday - it was a beast! xxx

  2. you´r a very busy bee - dressed perfectly btw!
    gorgeous wedding photos and chapeau to your work in the case of the crooked pub..... now i need a disco video light too to put my garden into the right light for photos :-D wonderful close ups!!
    healthwishes from my heart to your eyes!

  3. What a lovely mix of things - from weddings to unlawful destruction to Barbie pink/punk. Love it!

  4. Hello, stranger! Loving those candid wedding shots, the Converse and tattooed legs especially.
    How exciting about Carl Chinn. He's a bostin' bloke. Marco Longhi was our mayor ages ago, I didn't know he was a Dudley MP these days. I heard they'd arrested someone else in connection with The Crooked House. I bet if the community hadn't been so incensed the whole affair would have been swept under the carpet, power to the people!
    You look gorgeous in pink and I'd completely forgotten about that punk tee! xxx

    1. Hello you! Thank you. I'm currently obsessed with photographing people's feet as well as faces!
      Gareth told Carl he was a legend. His response: "You should tell my wife that!" He's a truly lovely bloke.
      Fancy Marco being your mayor! There have been three arrests so far and I absolutely agree with you that this would have been swept under the carpet. They messed with the wrong people!
      The punk tee is enjoying a long and healthy life! xxx

  5. Hello Claire, I had to skip to the previous post to see the story of the Crooked House. Community is fast becoming a lost value & notion, so it is heartwarming to see that people are willing to stand up for it. Wonderful wedding photos. The pink puffy sleeves are strangely punk :) xXx

    1. Hello Lulu, Yes, no one is ready to let this go. Naturally there have been some dramas and campaigns like this attract a motley crew of folks, but hopefully it will come good in the end.
      Thank you! The pink puffy sleeves have now been retired. It's chucking it down and feeling very autumnal today. xxx


A Fond Farewell

We've all heard of the proverbial "pain in the neck."  Well, for the longest time, I've been waking up with a cricked neck...