Saturday, May 28, 2022

Burn Baby Burn!

 A short one from me this week as I've been otherwise engaged - both mentally and physically.  The week started out with fear and dread aplenty, but ended with the best possible outcome given the circumstances.  Thanks for your lovely comments and messages last week.

Before I start, a disclaimer:  I'm not in the habit of wilfully causing destruction to nature or, more precisely, setting fire to plants.  However, the celebrated photographer Rankin is less gardener, more fire starter when it comes to flowers and frequently torches them in the name of art.  As darkly beautiful as they may look in flames, I have always declined to, preferring to wait until I spotted a bent dandelion stalk and only then, decided to put this to the test and the dandelion out of its misery.  Moreover, if ever there was a period in time that deserved to go up in flames, for me, it was the last 7 days.  

Securing the camera on a tripod on manual, I checked that my camera was set to "burst" mode, ensured it was in focus, triple checked my camera settings and asked Gareth to do the honours with a match.  

Don't try this at home.  They go up in a nanosecond - literally a case of "blink and you'd miss it." Going...



See you next week!


  1. wow!
    sorry to hear your week was a one to just burn...... but you found a cool and creative way to do so. this is real art! and if nothing else will help - creating art is a way out of the chaos - in my experience.
    much love! xxxx

    1. Thanks Beate. Much appreciated. Onwards and upwards! xxx

  2. Wouldn't it be mentally cleansing if we could make bad days go up in flames, even if just metaphorically? Those first two photos are particularly stunning, and I am glad to hear your week ended with the best possible outcome given the circumstances! xxx

    1. I have to confess, it was quite therapeutic! Thanks Ann. xxx

  3. What a wonderfully artistic way to destress! I love these photos. I hope the BBC commission another series with Rankin, I loved the last one.
    Sending you loads of love! xxx

    1. Thanks Vix. I enjoyed that series too. Someone I know on Instagram saw Rankin recently at the Art Car Boot Fair in London, selling off polaroid portraits for £50! xxx

  4. Hello Claire, so sorry to hear the last seven days are best to burn, but your photos are beautiful and strangely entrancing. I am a bit behind on the old 'tinternet rounds so I am back tracking now to your last post... xXx

  5. Ooooh! That is fantastic! Love it!

    1. Hi Laura, Thank you so much for stopping by! They burn unbelievably fast!


A Fond Farewell

We've all heard of the proverbial "pain in the neck."  Well, for the longest time, I've been waking up with a cricked neck...